About House of History

My name is Oscar and I run the Youtube-channel House of History. It is the nexus of my passions: history and politics. Fascinating historical events, periods and people are covered on here.

It could be anything: an in-depth documentary about the complete history of Prussia, several videos chronicling the last decades of China’s Qing dynasty or a video about a lesser-known secret mission carried out under incredibly dangerous circumstances during the Second World War. History, the real thing, tends to be more amazing than a great film or terrific novel.

My objective is to create documentaries about history and all its bright and dark secrets. The goal is for my videos to be engaging and enjoyable for anyone, young and old, layman and expert.

As a perk to those that support me, you will receive an additional monthly video as part of an exclusive Patreon series. Your support truly does keep this project going.

As of writing this, I have uploaded over 70 videos, of which over half has limited-to-no advertisements available. What I’d like to do most is create in-depth documentaries such as the End of Empire: Collapse of the Qing Dynasty (2+ hours of footage, 74 pages of script). This requires not just books, but hundreds of hours of research, recording and editing.

Unfortunately, YouTube often demonetizes my videos immediately after upload. It doesn’t distinguish between political and military history. If you enjoy my documentaries and would like to contribute to their development, consider pledging as little as 1$.

Everything generated through Patreon will flow back into my channel. It pays for my books and hardware equipment. Your support allows me to keep dedicating time to these documentaries. I want to keep working on this channel because it is important to me. 

Thank you for considering to support my work!
